IMG_2180MADRID & TOLEDOFlew to Madrid for a friend’s beautiful Spanish-Turkish wedding. Sweet family ceremony in a cosy church and the lavish lunch to dinner party, full of warmth, dance and laughter.IMG_1718Next day was to explore Madrid, the most alive city ever. From bustling city centre Plaza de Espana to food market Marecado de San Miguel neither the lively atmosphere nor the diverse Spanish food disappoints. The grand Almudena Cathedral is comparatively new in its revival gothic architecture style was completed only in 1993. I felt close to the agile matador/torero and the beautiful flamenco dancer.IMG_2204Way beyond midnight, I could still see the city getting livelier like it never sleeps. The bold energy, totally infectious and romantic. I only wish I could speak more Spanish than ‘Hola Amigos’ and could become more of a part of the flamboyant personality of this Mad Madrid, but all in a good way.Yes, dressing is bit conservative compared to other European cities. Skirts and dresses longer than knees are a norm. I can’t possibly forget to mention ZARA, the Spanish brand. Is all about classy colors and textures and leather and furs are in too. Don’t mistake comfortable with casual, there is always style sprinkled in.mall_and_market_zara_petit_03IMG_1952Just a small journey from Madrid and you are transported in a whole different world of Toledo.IMG_2021One of Spain’s most magnificent cities, it is a melting pot of three cultures, Christian, Muslim and Jewish. The unique cultural synthesis shows in the beautifully poignant architecture. Arched Mosques, Sephardic synagogues and one of Spain’s finest Gothic cathedrals stuff into a dense historical core. The daylight shows the majesty of a canyon overlooking Rio Tajo and the night is a glory with lights on the rocky architectural landscapes.I remember going in a local clothing store and was mesmerized. There was no floor, it was just glass and below you could see the abyss of a cliff’s inside. It was like I was shopping floating in air, there were intricate gold pendants that were made locally. I had to get one.aab88a0dd4079f467f9cd94657747f13779f6d38ab2ec94a5f60d5aa2cbc0ff9IMG_1999Texture, architecture, grandeur, culture, colors, details.. that’s what I take with me.


